Kale and White Bean Soup with Lemon

I made this soup for the first time in a while the other night and was immediately reminded why I love it. My body was craving a quick healthy boost, and it was craving this soup. Soups are one of the easiest (and delicious) ways to get a lot of fresh, nutrient dense vegetables into your diet, quickly, easily and all in one bowl! This one is absolutely bursting with health (thanks, kale!). It is such a gift to your body. Tell me you don’t feel healthier just looking at the picture (and it’s not even a great picture, but you get the…

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Healthy Holiday Tips: Sane Eating and Mindful Celebration

Are you ready to count your blessings and enjoy the feast?

Ready for the ultimate celebration of the table?

This week we’ll enjoy family and friends, make some new memories, practice traditions and then get down to some SERIOUS eating. Food can bring us a lot of joy, but when we over-do it, you know it takes it’s toll! The key is to celebrate mindfully and I have just a few quick tips to help you enjoy this Thanksgiving (and the rest of the holiday season too!) without sabotaging your health, energy and holiday radiance!

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What’s essential for well-being post-election?

In all honesty, I’ve never been a very political person. It’s not that I lack conviction, but that I quickly become VERY cynical when it comes to politics and over the years have generally been apathetic in my participation in the political process. I’m not proud of this, but I blame this on (in no particular order), my sense that I can’t personally make a difference, a blessed life which leaves me grateful rather than lacking, my desire to maintain a positive attitude, my dislike of internal and external conflict, my need to understand and try to relate to…

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What to do when you eat too much sugar

You know what really stresses me out?

Having approximately 8 pounds of Halloween “loot” in my house. Despite my exclamations that they are too old, my teenage boys went trick or treating anyway. Like most normal kids, they happen to love candy. So off they went.

Now, we have a candy “problem”.

And it’s not even the candy itself, it’s the sheer amount! I don’t ever remember bringing home this much candy as a kid! If there wasn’t so much candy, it really wouldn’t be such a big deal. Then there is the age old question…should they just binge and be done with…

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