2020 Vision

The winter solstice is behind us (bring on longer days, slowly but surely!) and a new decade is days away! 

As is normal for this time of year, I’m doing a lot of reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to a new year and decade and I bet you are too.

This is the perfect time of year to take stock of what’s really important and to decide where we want to focus in the coming new year.

As fun as they are, if we’re not careful, the holidays can deplete us, and taking some time to look inward and think about what we want from life in the year ahead gives us something to look forward to and renewed energy.

As I’ve been reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to a new one a theme has emerged. 

Make it happen. 

As I’m not getting any younger (and neither are you) the time is NOW. I put some things on the back burner this year (like my blog!) as I was more focused on coaching and some big family milestones (high school graduation, off to college, travel, etc). 

But things are happening in 2020 and I’ve set some very clear goals, written them down and now I’m putting them out there. (Did you know you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down?) The act of clearly defining your goals tells your brain that these things are valuable and should take priority.

I’m writing a few of mine here for inspiration!

Ways I’m taking action in 2020.

  1. Okay. I’m just putting this out there. Right now this is my top goal of 2020 (as it significantly impacts other financial goals!) and I could not be more excited about it. I will pay off all debt except my mortgage. No more credit card bills. No more car loans. Thanks, Dave Ramsey. If you need inspiration to do this yourself listen to a few episodes of his podcast or read one of his books. He’s relentless about debt and encourages extreme measures not everyone’s willing to take (including me), but you’ll get the message and be inspired to take action.
  2. Creating a life plan. Eric and I are setting aside time to do this in a more formal way. Sending one off to college this year was like a reality slap in the face. “Empty nesting” is happening and it’s happening soon. I’m going to need a very full life and clear plan in place to survive this transition. When you’re unclear on exactly where you want to end up, you can end up drifting through the years and just letting life happen. Or if you know exactly where you want to end up, but have no plan to get there, you’ll never make it. We’ve always had dreams and goals, but have never really sat down to make a plan to get there. The plan is happening!
  3. Continue tackling my “tolerations” and energy drains to create space and energy in my life. (This was a big goal in 2019. I made some major progress, but still have a long way to go!) Side note: One of the biggest tolerations I wiped off the list in 2019? Getting all of my toxic mercury fillings removed. This had been weighing on me for years and was a huge effort to get this done, but it’s amazing to have a mercury free mouth. If you want your mercury removed, one word of caution. DO NOT get this done at your regular dentist. Find a holistic dentist that is trained in safe mercury removal or instead of a mouth full of mercury you’ll end up with a body full of mercury.
  4. Invest more time in my friendships. It’s so easy to get busy with work and life that weeks or even months go by without spending time with people we care about! My friends enrich my life in so many ways and prioritizing friend dates is going to be an important part of my 2020.
  5. Try at least one new thing each week, no matter how small. Whether it’s a different kind of workout, exploring a new experience around Indy, or a new brand of whatever. By the end of the year that equals 52 new experiences, but that doesn’t even sound like enough newness. I think I can top it.

These 5 things are just the beginning, and I couldn’t be more excited about 2020 and to see what the next year and decade will bring.

What are you going to make happen in 2020? Whatever it is, I’m excited for you too! And if prioritizing your health is on your list and you need some help creating a plan, please reach out! In honor of 2020, all coaching packages will be 20% off if started in January 2020.

Wishing you joyful holidays and an exciting New Year!

Merry, merry!

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