10 Easy Tips to Improve Digestion Naturally

So, I’ve been learning a lot about digestion lately. I thought I knew a fair amount already, but whoa. I’m learning a lot of sciency and technical stuff about the gut right now, which I’ll spare you, but I thought I’d share a few basic tips that you can use today to make sure your digestion is working for you and not against you! Because it’s the place to start when it comes to your health, and its functionality affects everything else.

You’re really only as healthy as your gut, after all. If there is a breakdown anywhere in the…

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When healthy eating doesn’t work

Do you ever feel like your healthy lifestyle efforts aren’t paying off in the ways you had imagined?

Maybe you drink green smoothies, shop at the farmers market, avoid GMO’s, sugar and processed food. You’ve even given up dairy. But you’re STILL struggling. You’re not losing weight, your energy is low, you struggle with brain fog and just can’t seem to focus.

I promise, it’s not for lack of effort and your healthy habits aren’t worthless!

It’s just that, there is something else going on.

And it’s likely that no amount of healthy eating, hours logged at the gym or sun salutations at…

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