Sea Salted Caramel Smoothie

There is not much I like better when it comes to the ultimate combo of sweet and salty than sea salt and caramel. This is basically a smoothie or “milkshake” version of the Sea Salt and Caramel “Nice” Cream recipe here on the blog and it is crazy amazing, if I do say so myself! However, this is even easier to make so I can indulge my sweet/salty cravings in an instant! This makes the perfect healthy treat and is better, healthier, cheaper than any Salted Caramel thing you can find at your local Starbucks (minus…

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Aging Healthfully and Purposefully

I’ve just celebrated another milestone birthday. As is common for many people hitting a milestone number sooner than ever expected, I’ve spent quite a bit of time reflecting on the insanely rapid passage of time. How did I get here so fast? Seriously, what’s happening? I’m truly stunned! Stunned!

We can’t stop the march of time, but we can make the most of it, by prioritizing our own health. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It all matters.

Prioritizing our health allows us to run hard after our purpose and to serve the…

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