Sea Salted Caramel Smoothie

There is not much I like better when it comes to the ultimate combo of sweet and salty than sea salt and caramel. This is basically a smoothie or “milkshake” version of the Sea Salt and Caramel “Nice” Cream recipe here on the blog and it is crazy amazing, if I do say so myself! However, this is even easier to make so I can indulge my sweet/salty cravings in an instant! This makes the perfect healthy treat and is better, healthier, cheaper than any Salted Caramel thing you can find at your local Starbucks (minus…

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Sea Salt & Caramel Nice Cream

I’m a BIG fan of ice cream.

There was a time when I ate it nightly. Yes, practically every night. It was habitual. After I put the kids to bed, the ice cream would come out and I would just serve some right up, cone and all.  (Notice how I did this after the kids went to bed. I really didn’t want to share and also didn’t want them eating all that ice cream! )

That was a long time ago, and fortunately habits can change! But I still love it. And still eat it on special summer trips to our favorite…

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