Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan Topping (Paleo, Vegan)

I’ve never been one for that sweet potato casserole with the marshmallows. Unless it’s a smore I don’t want marshmallows in my food. Ever. I know it’s a tradition in many families, but it’s just not my thing!

This recipe was born out of a recent conversation with a friend about our favorite Thanksgiving foods. I was telling her about my slow cooker sweet potatoes and apples that I always serve (in lieu of marshmallow covered sweet potatoes) and she mentioned her sister makes a kind of sweet potato “crumble” with pecans. I LOVED…

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Overcoming dietary anxiety and creating a “label-free” diet you love

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” –LA ROCHEFOUCAULD

We’re living in a world of dietary anxiety. No doubt about it.

It includes countless dietary theories, diets with labels, conflicting nutrition advice, food politics and even food fraud (a topic for another day!). The field of nutrition is constantly evolving and we’re bombarded daily with a seemingly endless stream of contradictory information and trendy diets. It can be overwhelming and there’s so much confusion out there.

Designing a personal diet that truly suits your life takes time, persistence and maybe some guidance. But the good news is…

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Kale and White Bean Soup with Lemon

I made this soup for the first time in a while the other night and was immediately reminded why I love it. My body was craving a quick healthy boost, and it was craving this soup. Soups are one of the easiest (and delicious) ways to get a lot of fresh, nutrient dense vegetables into your diet, quickly, easily and all in one bowl! This one is absolutely bursting with health (thanks, kale!). It is such a gift to your body. Tell me you don’t feel healthier just looking at the picture (and it’s not even a great picture, but you get the…

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