Feed It Like You Believe It

Keeping it short and sweet this week. Summer’s winding down and my kids are only home for a few more days until school starts! Agh!

Anyway, I’ve been thinking lately….

I don’t think most people know how amazing they are. Otherwise I don’t think we would have the health crisis that we do.

I believe that in general, the foods we eat are a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and eating well is a form of self-respect. I’m not talking about the fun and necessary indulgences that are a part of celebrating and enjoying life. I’m not even talking about popcorn at the movies, fast food eaten on a road trip, or the occasional tortilla chip binge (guilty! Who can stop???) I’m talking about the daily choices in how we treat and nourish our bodies. Do we care enough to prioritize 20 mins/day to move our bodies? Do we feed our bodies real food over processed? Do we care about reducing our toxic load by choosing the cleanest foods, skin care and cleaning products?

We create time and energy for the things we care about.

Every day we are making choices that move us either closer to, or further away, from the person we really want to be.

We were each created beautifully and uniquely and we should care for our bodies as if we believe this.  If we did, we would treat our bodies like the amazing gifts they are. We would feed them the healthiest food and exercise daily. We would give our body rest when it needs rest and play when it needs play.

We would treat it like the temple that houses our soul and the only body we get to live in.

We wouldn’t make excuses.

Treat yourself like the amazing being you are. Feed and care for yourself like you know you are amazing, loved, and ready to contribute your unique gifts to the world with confidence and joy.

Live nourished,


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