Fuzzy Vision, Imperfect Action & the Pursuit of Purpose

Have you noticed a shift in people? It seems like more than ever, people are seeking their unique gifts and callings and are compelled by a strong desire to live them out. I think its part of the reason wellness is such a huge topic these days. It’s not just that people want to lose weight and give themselves the best chance against disease, although these are huge benefits. They want to be well in mind, body and spirit, so they can function at a high level and have the energy and stamina it takes to live fully into their purpose. They are looking for ways to design their lives in order to live more authentically and make a difference.

Can you relate to this?

You have a passion that stirs you deeply and a desire to serve the world in a way that is uniquely you. Within this desire is a way of serving and relating to the world that reflects your journey and unique experience for the benefit of others. After all, isn’t this what life is all about? It’s ultimately about service, and deep inside, we know that.

But so often we get stuck. Our dreams could be life changing for ourselves and others, if only we knew how to make them happen.

We wait for the flashes of inspiration (or hope for the lightning bolt, complete with full set of instructions!) on how to go about accomplishing this dream. But it’s all very unclear. Dozens of ideas, inspirations, glimpses and goals swirl around like a tornado sputtering mind clutter. So we keep thinking and reading and journaling and waiting.

But clarity of purpose doesn’t come from ideas, visions or inspiration. It comes through action. And action inevitably means a lot of trial and error, mistakes, and even what feels like failure. Ironically, all positive things, when you view them as learning experiences and growth.

I have lots of ideas, lots of interests and LOTS of fuzzy vision. Honestly, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do half the time, but I’m trying to take action and I know that this creates growth and leads me closer to my purpose. Earlier this year when I made a decision to let some things go, made some changes, and created this blog, I did so out of a desire for growth. I desired to create something new, something that was an expression of me and who I am as a whole person, while still being able to coach and serve people in the ways I know how. So I made a shift, not such a huge shift, but I made a “take action” decision. And it was painful actually. It was very hard. Because I had worked so hard for some of the things I let go, and it felt like I was starting over. There was a lot of resistance and self-doubt. (You can read more about struggling with resistance HERE)

But it was right.

Honestly, I still don’t have full clarity on my life’s purpose and a plan all mapped out. However, I’m learning that there may not be a clear destination, only journey, so here are some things I am learning  along the way (so far).

There is a time for dreaming, reflecting, and imagining, and there is a time to just start doing. No matter what it looks like. Even if it’s really messy and imperfect.

But where do you start? Some say “begin with the end in mind”. I agree that vision is a powerful motivator and essential for life change. But what if your vision is fuzzy, like mine?

Depending on where you are in your journey, the concept of starting with your “why” may be a more relevant concept. Your “why” is what propels you, what motivates you, what energizes you, what inspires you. This leaves room for those of us that don’t have the clear end in mind, and the vision is still fuzzy, and allows us to begin anyway.

To take one small, actionable step, see how it feels and evaluate the benefits of that action. To make adjustments. Then, repeat the next day. To keep doing this, until a plan becomes more clear. The process may seem very slow and the progress may feel minimal at first, but slow and steady action WILL lead to a clearer and sharper focus.

Recognize that all effort is good effort.

Imperfect action > perfect inaction.

Nothing is wasted, it’s all part of your growth. No one achieves a dream without challenges, detours and some kind of uphill climb. But just as an uphill climb for your body develops stamina, fitness and strength, an uphill climb toward your vision leads to personal development and growth. You may get winded, sweaty, and tired, but you also get stronger, fitter, more resourceful and smarter. The climb involves fresh air and beauty and freedom. So personally, I’m learning to take joy in the journey and the very small action steps, without needing to know what may come of it all.

I love this writing by Beth Booram in her book Starting Something New (a book I highly recommend, by the way!) and I think it’s a fitting inspiration to just begin with what’s in your heart and know that it’s sacred.

“We have put our hand to the plow, we are working on the building, and we have no idea what may come of our work. We don’t know in what way we are collaborating with another or bigger or smaller purpose than the one we can see. This is sacred work. The creative work of starting something new- of bringing God’s vision to life- is a holy calling and one that can prepare the way for other dreamers.”

What journey are you on? What steps are you taking to move forward and take action? I would love to swap stories! Please comment below or reach out via email!

Live nourished,


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