Aging Healthfully and Purposefully

I’ve just celebrated another milestone birthday. As is common for many people hitting a milestone number sooner than ever expected, I’ve spent quite a bit of time reflecting on the insanely rapid passage of time. How did I get here so fast? Seriously, what’s happening? I’m truly stunned! Stunned!

We can’t stop the march of time, but we can make the most of it, by prioritizing our own health. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It all matters.

Prioritizing our health allows us to run hard after our purpose and to serve the…

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The first step to gaining energy (and ease!) this year

Does anyone else feel like they kind of crawled into the New Year? As much as I’d like to say I couldn’t wait to turn the page on another calendar year, starting fresh and new, this hasn’t exactly been the case. 2018 stretched me in many good ways, but also sapped my energy and I finished the year feeling drained and a wee bit anxious about the year ahead. 2019 feels daunting in many ways, as I’m preparing for lots of change, but I also know the year has a lot of excitement and good in…

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Overcoming dietary anxiety and creating a “label-free” diet you love

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” –LA ROCHEFOUCAULD

We’re living in a world of dietary anxiety. No doubt about it.

It includes countless dietary theories, diets with labels, conflicting nutrition advice, food politics and even food fraud (a topic for another day!). The field of nutrition is constantly evolving and we’re bombarded daily with a seemingly endless stream of contradictory information and trendy diets. It can be overwhelming and there’s so much confusion out there.

Designing a personal diet that truly suits your life takes time, persistence and maybe some guidance. But the good news is…

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12 Tips to Spring Clean Your Body and Life

There is some serious March Madness going on around here. And I’m not talking basketball, although we’ve got that too! When your husband works for the NCAA, there is simply no escape from watching all 243,000 (at least that’s what it seems like!) basketball games this month!

But my favorite part of March is that day (when there may or may not be a basketball game on) that it also ceases to be winter. At least officiallySo, let’s celebrate, because that day is TODAY. Spring fever is my March Madness!

Let’s celebrate by getting aligned with all that Spring stands for.


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Good-bye clutter, hello energy, clarity and focus

Do you ever feel stuck? Like you’re just not moving forward and your energy feels somehow trapped? I’ve definitely had this feeling, and think I’ve finally figured out the root cause, at least for me. One word. Clutter.

I’m fresh off a rejuvenating cleanse, which led to some major shifts and progress in different areas of my life. I used this cleanse to focus on clearing the clutter, not just internally, but externally from my life. I had a profound sense that my cluttered mind and mass of unused, unloved, outdated and worn stuff, was both a huge burden and tremendous energy…

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No Carrot Sticks: My Top 10 Healthy Snacks

Oh how virtuous it feels to snack on carrot sticks…and how unsatisfying. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against carrot sticks and I eat them often, but only paired with something decadent like guacamole! Otherwise, they just don’t do it for me.

So many times we think of snacking as a negative thing, but it really doesn’t have to be. And that’s good news, because as much as we may try to avoid it, snacking is a way of life now. We are on-the-go, running around and in need of energy!

There are pros and cons to snacking, but when…

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