No Carrot Sticks: My Top 10 Healthy Snacks

Oh how virtuous it feels to snack on carrot sticks…and how unsatisfying. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against carrot sticks and I eat them often, but only paired with something decadent like guacamole! Otherwise, they just don’t do it for me.

So many times we think of snacking as a negative thing, but it really doesn’t have to be. And that’s good news, because as much as we may try to avoid it, snacking is a way of life now. We are on-the-go, running around and in need of energy!

There are pros and cons to snacking, but when done right, the positives definitely win!

On the con side: obviously the more you snack, the more you eat, so constant snacking can seriously add up. You can consume as much as you would eating a 4th meal if you’re not careful. Also, munching on highly processed, low-nutrient foods can lead to deficiencies in vital nutrients, while spiking your sugar levels and causing the afternoon crash and burn. On the other hand, balanced snacking can be a great way to keep blood-sugar stable, which means you’re able to curb cravings while providing energy and boosting nutrition throughout the day. Nutritious snacks can help fill in nutrition gaps, and can actually help you lose weight and keep it off since it prevents you from getting too hungry and reaching for the wrong foods.

Since we’re on the go so much, the line between meals and snacks is blurring, so plan nutrient-rich snacks for both home and on the go, and think of snacks as mini-meals, rather than treats. This means including the same types of foods you would at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, whole foods with lots of nutrition. The best snack pairings combine foods rich in protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates (including fiber), like whole grains, nuts, fruit, and vegetables. This combo will help you stay fuller longer while supplying essential vitamins and minerals.

Forget the tasteless carrot sticks! Here are the snacks I live on. 10 of my favorite go-to snacks for energy, nutrition and taste! Click on the links for recipes!

  • Apple or banana with 2 tablespoons nut butter (sun butter, almond or cashew butter are my favorite!)
  • Homemade Sweet Potato Chips
  • Homemade Protein Balls (There are lots of recipes out there if you google. This one is my personal favorite!)
  • Simple Snack Guacamole with veggies or organic tortilla chips (I like Garden of Eatin’ Sweet Potato flavor!)
  • Ezekiel bread toast with mashed avocado, sea salt and pepper
  • Plain Greek or Non-dairy yogurt with 1/2 cup pumpkin puree + honey + cinnamon
  • Any Protein Smoothie such as this Cashew Cream Protein Smoothie
  • Homemade trail mix – Mix any combo of the following:
    pumkpin seeds (pepitas)
    sunflowers seeds
    dried fruit (mango, bananas, cranberries, goji berries)
    shredded coconut or coconut chips
    raw cacao nibs
  • 1-2 pieces of organic dark chocolate
  • Plain Greek or non-dairy yogurt with fruit, honey and shredded coconut

What are your go to snacks? I’d love to hear about your healthy favorites. Leave me a comment below!

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