Beating the Winter Blues with a Mindset Shift

Alright ya’ll. (Just been hanging with friends from the south, can you tell?) Since my last blog post, I’ve escaped this gray, frozen tundra twice. Once to celebrate a friend’s birthday and just this past weekend, for a wedding. I think I’ve regained enough sanity to push through until Spring. I think.

Anyone else struggling? I’m needing a bit of a pep talk to keep myself going for these final few weeks of winter and the result is this blog post. I simply have to view winter in a more positive light. Possibly…

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What the winter solstice means for our bodies and our health

Happy First Day of Winter! It’s hard to believe, considering the below zero temps lately, but today is our “official” transition from fall to winter, the winter solstice!

By any chance have you noticed a shift in your body/mood/energy levels lately? I’m not going to lie, winter is my least favorite season. I’m just a warm weather kind of girl. Plus, I hate sweaters. And layers. And coats. Also, boots and gloves. And dry skin.

We don’t tend to pay much attention to the winter solstice when it’s already dipped into the negative temps and our focus is on the holidays, the celebrations, the shopping,…

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