Beating the Winter Blues with a Mindset Shift

Alright ya’ll. (Just been hanging with friends from the south, can you tell?) Since my last blog post, I’ve escaped this gray, frozen tundra twice. Once to celebrate a friend’s birthday and just this past weekend, for a wedding. I think I’ve regained enough sanity to push through until Spring. I think.

Anyone else struggling? I’m needing a bit of a pep talk to keep myself going for these final few weeks of winter and the result is this blog post. I simply have to view winter in a more positive light. Possibly even embrace it, like the Scandinavians do!

I’ve been complaining. I’ve been in a battle with myself. And I think I’ve finally realized why. Because I’ve forgotten to embrace winter for what it is (a built-in time to rest and restore) and I’ve been upset with myself for not accomplishing enough. I’ve also been beating myself up because I don’t feel super energetic and inspired to action right now, but instead like I’d just like to stay in bed a little longer. I’ve tried to honor my body’s needs, but not without a hefty dose of guilt and feelings of being not enough. Not accomplishing enough, producing enough, exercising enough, cleaning enough, getting out enough, being fun enough. The cold, dark days become a cold, dark mindset if we let them.

I’ve felt the tension between the start of a new year and the burst of energy it brings with goals set and lists to be accomplished and the natural rhythms of winter when our bodies naturally want to slow the pace. They need more sleep and restoration, and our minds need more self-reflection, planning, dreaming, journaling and our hearts need more connection.

In our modern world, there is little regard for the natural order and flow and earth’s cycles. Throughout the history of time, schedules, routines and duties have shifted according to how the light and seasons shifted. Today, we push through all seasons with the same schedules, routines, and responsibilities, because the modern world requires us to. We no longer live based on seasonal rhythms, and we don’t have much of a choice about it. But still, the natural order of things does not stay the same and our bodies know it. So, we pay the price, physically, in the winter, with broken down immune systems and mentally with symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, and increased negativity, anxiety and depression.

Winter can be a vital season of personal growth, when we honor the changes it requires and establish routines that flow with the season and stop battling against nature. I’m finding it to be a losing battle, so for these last few weeks at least, I will strive to give myself more grace and less guilt trip. It’s normal to feel less energetic, craving rest and restoration. We’re biologically programmed that way!

Winter is not meant to be a season of hustle and full speed ahead, so let’s embrace that and come out on the other side, restored and ready for Spring renewal, growth and energy. We crave that and look forward to that. But each season has its purpose.

Sleep now. Plan now. Regenerate now. Hustle later.

So here are a few ways I’ll survive the remaining weeks of winter and embrace a better mindset and view this time as an opportunity and not the dreaded space between Fall and Spring. Maybe they will help you too!

I’ll embrace needing more sleep. I’ll go to bed as early as I want to and sleep a little later than normal. And I won’t feel guilty about it.

I’ll feed my body nourishing comfort foods that are warming and supportive of the season. Like root vegetables and lots of spice.

I’ll bake things.

I’ll dress cozy and warm.

I’ll relax by the fire.

I’ll bundle up appropriately and get outside for long walks with the dog.

I’ll drink lots of teas and other nourishing warm drinks.

I’ll treat myself to the infrared sauna or some hot yoga classes and break a good sweat.

I’ll use this time to organize and refresh my interior environment.

I’ll read and stimulate my intellect, but I also might binge-watch occasionally in preparation for a TV hiatus over the spring and summer!

I’ll exercise to boost positive energy and outlook.

I’ll make a vision board full of the things I’m looking forward to and dreaming about.

I’ll prioritize close connection with others while there’s less running around going on.

I’ll plan and dream and learn and grow mentally and spiritually.

And when the sun is out, I’ll turn my face towards it and know that warmer, more energetic days are ahead

Just a few weeks left friends and this never-ending winter will actually end. In the meantime, let’s make it work for us, not against us!

Let me know your favorite tips for surviving winter in the comments!

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