Simple Tips for Daily Detox

Simple Tips for Daily Detox

For years I suffered with low energy, brain fog and symptoms from an auto-immune disease. I thought I was tired and foggy from insufficient sleep, but I was wrong! It was time to shift the blame to toxicity in my body.
When our systems are running clean and efficiently, our bodies have more energy to burn elsewhere.

Toxicity in our bodies is one of the main culprits for low-energy, fatigue and disease.

While there are environmental toxins we can’t avoid, much of our toxicity is diet and lifestyle related. The words detox and cleanse get thrown around daily in the world of health and nutrition. They can be intimidating words, but they don’t need to be! I personally believe in the benefits a deeper cleanse each season to reset your body, give your digestive system a break and make the shift to more seasonal foods. However, if that seems too much for you, it’s okay! Cleansing your body does not have to be this big scary thing and it doesn’t have to be an event.  It is happening in your body every day on some level. But if you feel tired or low-energy, your body is talking to you. So listen up! There are some shifts in your daily habits you can make to boost your energy and help your body function more optimally. Depending on your current lifestyle it may be as simple as adding a couple of quick and easy rituals to your day.

Here are some tips for you!

Eat more greens. No surprises here, but kale hasn’t become so popular because it is the tastiest food on the planet (although there are many delicious ways to prepare it!) Kale has become so popular because it makes you feel amazing! Green vegetables are the most nutritious and detoxifying foods you can put into your body. And guess what? You can eat as much as you want! Anytime you want! There aren’t too many foods you can say that about. Greens are high alkaline foods which help neutralize acidic conditions in the body. Greens help filter out toxins and purify the blood, strengthen your immune sytem, improve the function of your detox organs, increase circulation and reduce inflammation in the body. Eat up!

Drink more water. You already know this! Water is an essential and non-negotiable element of a healthy lifestyle. It should be your drink of choice, most of the time. Water flushes toxins from the system and transports nutrients where they need to go.  The kidneys rely on water to remove toxins from the blood and every other organ in your body relies on water to function as well. Yes, it’s boring, so add some lemon!  Lemon also aids in detox by reducing acidity in the body. One of the healthiest habits you can start right now is to begin your day with this alkalizing and cleansing drink!  It may take some getting used to, but this is an amazing boost for your digestive system, especially when consumed first thing in the morning before anything else gets into your system.

Lemon Elixir
juice of 1/2 lemon
up to 1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar (start with 1 tsp and build up to 1 Tbsp)
12 oz. filtered water
dash of cayenne pepper or ground ginger (optional)
raw honey to sweeten, if desired

Lighten your toxic load. The #1 way to do this is to eat real food in it’s natural state. Processed foods are filled with toxic ingredients that are not only bad for you, but actually deplete the nutrient stores you already have. Your body functions best when you eat whole, organic, fresh food- fresh fruits and veggies, gluten-free grains like quinoa and brown rice, lean proteins like fish or chicken and healthy fats, like avocado, olive or coconut oil. Evaluate your household cleaners and personal care products, most of which contain highly toxic ingredients. Do a “home detox” and replace them with products that are all natural and chemical free.

Move your body. Sweat releases toxins from the body. Learn to love it! Exercise also helps to reduce stress, one of the biggest sources of toxicity in our bodies. You don’t have to suffer either. Just find ways to move that you enjoy and work up a sweat. Have fun!

Try these simple daily habits for self-care:

Tongue Scraping– the simple act of scraping all of that white mucus and bacteria off your tongue. A tongue scraper is usually a u-shaped object of stainless steel, with a blunt edge (a good brand to try is Dr.Tung’s). Tongue scraping enhances detox, gives you better oral hygiene, better breath, re-sensitizes your taste buds and helps reduce cravings by removing all bacteria from leftover food from your mouth.

Dry Skin Brushing- As the largest detox organ (sometimes referred to as the third kidney) the skin is vital for healthy detoxification. Dry skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which is responsible for the elimination of wastes and toxins. It also improves circulation. It helps soften the fat deposits below the skins surface, which also may help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Try dry brushing each day before you shower. You can purchase a dry brush or simply use a dry towel.
How to dry skin brush: Always brush towards your heart, with the flow of the lymphatic fluid. Begin at the soles of your feet, then move up your legs, brushing in either a circular motion or long strokes. Brush your chest and shoulders towards your heart and then start at the fingertips and brush toward your body. On your stomach, brush in a counter-clockwise circular motion.

Give these simple tips a try! This list is by no means exhaustive of all things detox, but it is a great foundation of habits that can all be easily incorporated into your day. As your body begins to function more optimally, you’ll begin to feel better and more energized!

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