Staying Positive (Even When You Don’t Feel That Way)

I’m struggling with my positive vibe right now. Let’s just put that out there. And I don’t take this struggle lightly. After all, my mission in life and my job is to inspire and motivate others toward their healthiest life and most vibrant well-being. When I don’t feel vibrant myself, this becomes more challenging for me and I don’t do what I’m supposed to do. So, I’m working hard to practice what I preach, and to implement strategies to stay optimistic and hopeful despite circumstances. To stay in a positive place rather than succumb to toxic negativity. To rise up from sadness and pursue my calling with optimism and purpose. And because of this, I know this bad mood will pass, but sometimes it’s just hard, right?

So many of us are struggling right now, in the midst of so many recent events in addition to the challenging circumstances in our own lives. There’s no doubt that we are individually and collectively under a tremendous amount of stress. Even if things are going really well for you right now, unless you have a heart of stone (which I know you don’t), you probably feel the weight of the world right now.

We’re all being swung way out of balance due to issues, situations and people we can’t control.

I can say this for certain and I see it in the work I do every single day. Chronic stress doesn’t lead anywhere good. We wither under the weight of it and it impacts our well-being in far more reaching ways than just about anything else. But we can’t get rid of stress. It’s part of life. What we can do is put strategies in place to manage it.

What positive actions can we apply to bring us back to a more peaceful state of mind? How do we manage stress, stay positive, persevere and continue to live into our unique callings, when we don’t feel like it?

Since we can control very little in life, except where we put our focus, we can:

  • acknowledge the bad, but focus on the good.
  • We can react and feel, and not suppress our emotions, as this leads to negativity.
  • We can take positive action that supports our values and supports others.
  • We can do things that support our physical and mental health each day, rather than wallow in our own failings, the failures of others and the tragic state of a world we can’t control. (Wallowing is not productive in any way, but so tempting to do, and I fall into the trap too.)
  • And we can pray. A lot.

I find that I need to have some positive rituals in place to help me along, so I don’t just go through the day on auto-pilot getting sucked into the fray. (You can read this recent post on self-care for more thoughts on this topic) These rituals are non-negotiable for me, especially in times of stress. They are tools I use to help me fight the battle against negativity.

Adding positive rituals to your day helps build your inner strength and give you the resources you need to face what comes at you. My rituals change depending on what I need, but they all accomplish the same thing. They help me keep it together amidst my own personal challenges and help prepare me for a new day, offering a chance to refocus, course correct if needed and try to do something good in the world. My personal rituals are not earth-shattering or new, but all of them are proven methods for adding more positivity to your day, and I share them to encourage you to find your own.

My non-negotiable daily positivity rituals:

  • Gratitude Journaling- It is scientific fact that focusing on your blessings (and writing them down) is transformative. Recent studies have shown that keeping a gratitude journal leads to better sleep, reductions of physical pain, greater sense of well-being and a better ability to handle conflict and change. I recently bought a journal specifically for this, which prompts me each day to list 3 things I’m grateful for, first thing, that day. It also prompts me to list what would make the day great and at night it gives me a chance to reflect on the positives. That automatically shifts the mindset to a positive place.
  • 20 minutes of yoga- I have done this every single day for 10 days in a row now. 20 minutes and only 20 minutes, because I don’ t want it to feel too overwhelming, or like a chore, or a to-do thing. 20 minutes is easy to accomplish and goes by really fast. If I want more I’ll do more later, but this is just to get me going. Also, don’t be too impressed by my 10-day streak. This is not “power” yoga. Many days this is yoga, very early in the morning, while still in my pajamas and drinking coffee at the same time. It’s not very hard. It’s relaxing, gentle, stretchy yoga. But I do love it and it’s what my body feels like it needs right now.
  • 30-minute Walk or Run- Movement + being outside always brings me to a more positive place. You don’t need me to quote the countless studies that will prove it will do the same for you. Plus, dogs needs positive rituals too, so humans and animals win with this one.
  • Prayer- The one thing I can do at any moment, in any circumstance at any place and time to lift myself up immediately. Giving the negativity and the gratitude over to God, takes a lot of pressure off ME. This ritual is also often done while journaling, yoga practicing or walking!

These are just a few of mine. What rituals do have in place to shift your focus from negative to positive? If you don’t have any, find some! Keep holding on to hope and faith, and shining your positive light in the world. We all need it!



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